Beat The Heat

Summer is in full swing, which means that it is hot, hot, hot. Those of us with long hair have a really hard time staying cool. Some of us will head to our local Rochester hair salon to chop our mop-tops, while others will resort to those high ponytails and messy buns. Today we are going to talk about trendy hairstyles to help you beat the heat this summer without chopping off your luxurious locks.

The Sock Bun
The sock bun is the perfect clean and professional look to get your hair up and off of your neck. All you need to complete a sock bun is, well a sock( or a foam donut, if you prefer). If you are using an actual sock, you will start by cutting off the toe of the sock. Then roll the sock back over itself into a donut shape. Once you have your foam or sock donut, you are ready to get started.

  • Pull your hair into a ponytail. You can use a high, low, or mid-range pony for this look.
  • Then, pull your ponytail straight out, and place the tip of it in the center of your donut.
  • Spread your hair around the donut and begin rolling it down towards the base of your ponytail.
  • Keep rolling, adjusting any loose pieces as you go, until you reach the base
  • Pin any loose pieces in place, and hairspray for a long term hold

Check back with us next month to learn about more hairstyles to beat the summer heat without cutting your length off at the hair salon!

Original Post By The Hair Company

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